Microsoft Allows Now To Disable Insecure Jscript In Internet Explorer

As per new announcement by Microsoft, the users can now disable Jscript execution in its browser IE (Internet Explorer) 11. This feature is actually came in inclusion with Windows October 2020 monthly security updates.

Jscript is actually the company’s legacy implementation of ECMAScript language specification which is present in form of Scripting Engine. The experts have to believe that inclusion of a feature to disable Jscript is really a great security improvement as it enables IT administrators to provide users with secured browsing experience among environment under which IE 11 is still being used.

As per the officials of Microsoft, “Blocking Jscript helps protect against malicious actors targeting the JScript scripting engine while maintaining user productivity as core services continue to function as usual.”

Steps to disable Jscript

In case if you are willing to avail this feature on your IE as well, you must have to install the latest IE Cumulative security update.

In addition to above, the Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 version users must enable the feature on their machine as well using Internet feature control key.

In order to disable Jscript on IE for Internet Zone and Restricted Sites Zone, users can follow here mentioned manual steps:

  • Hit Win + R key combined and type ‘regedit’ or ‘regedit32’ and click OK.
  • Locate the following registry subkey in Registry editor, to disable Jscript execution in Internet Zone.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones0D
  • However, if you are willing to disable Jscript in Restricted Sites Zone, find the below registry subkey.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones0D
  • Based on any of your requirement, right click on any of the registry subkey as mentioned, and click Modify.
  • In the Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value, type 3.
  • Just click Ok button now and restart IE.

Once the settings are saved, IE shall no longer execute Jscript from sites using browser’s legacy document modes, as well as one which are in the Internet Zones or Restricted Zones.

However, in case if you ever needed to re-enable the Jscript feature in IE, simply set the above mentioned registry subkey to 0, based on your requirements.