US9514961195221 – Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text SCAM


  1. What is US9514961195221 – Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text SCAM
  2. Is this a scam or real?
  3. What should we do now?
  4. Check if your device is infected by malware.
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

US9514961195221 – Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text SCAM, Is it legit?

Any such messages that asks you to click on the given link they provide are suspicious, so there is a new kind of scam in the market that begins like this, The US9514961195221 – Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text is a kind of scam which usually comes under phishing attack that mainly targets people via text messages and claims that they have a package waiting for them at USPS. This text message has a link and a tracking number to track the product or package. But here is a trap as you click in the link it redirects the person to a fake USPS website, where they are asked to fill personal details such as their names, address, and credit card details.

US9514961195221 – Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text is structured in such a way that people can easily trust on it. So that it makes it easier for the scammers to get personal information of people. The scammers use this information to make purchases, do fraudulent activities, and also may sell this data to criminals.

Whenever you receive any such text messages which say your package can’t be delivered do not open that link or share any information. USPS never asks for personal information in messages instead they may send you an email.

It is be remembered that USPS, or any other such trusted delivery company, never sends text messages or email which asks for personal information or payment to deliver a package. Do not click on any links or open any attachmentif you receive any such text message or email. It is advised to contact the company directly before taking any action. Talking the associated company will clear your doubts so that it will decrease the chances of fraud to minimum.

Also you should have a habit of not sharing personal information to any text or email or you should talk to the company for confirmation before clicking on any link.

If you have got any kind of message related to delivery or order which you haven’t done, it is suggested to not click on any link and delete the message as soon as possible.

You might wonder is it real? US9514961195221 – Your Package Cannot Be Delivered is real or fake?

Basically your package cannot be delivered is a scam which they do through text messages. Their main motto is to get your personal information anyhow so that they lure you by showing any product or service which is yet to be delivered. They want you to just click on their link and share your personal information.

In order to make the scam look more trustworthy they use fake banners, fake logos and even fake invoices to get your trust.

In the given points I am sharing few points to detect a scam even though it seems like it is coming from a company and showing the same company logo in the header.

  • General or common name is used instead of customer’s name. Like dear, account holder and customer
  • Messages or email will guide you to click on a link to get your issue solved.
  • No any organizations ask their users to share personal information e.g. bank account details, credit card details etc.
  • If sentence structure doesn’t seem good, grammar is poor; spelling error is there than these are signs that this is not the email of any reputable organization.
  • They want you to submit your details soon so they create a time limit that is also a hint of scam.
  • If such messages are coming repetitively and more frequently than it is also doubtful.
  • Email of the sender is not linked to the legit domain name.

What steps should you take if you have shared your personal information?

There are few things which we can take to protect ourselves from such scams.

  1. Report the messages or any email which suggests you to click on the link.
  2. Talk to your credit card company and get your card blocked.
  3. Talk to the associated company or Delivery Company and share the details of scam so that they can also make their security strong.
  4. Now you have clicked on the link or downloaded the attachment which they sent and you suspect that your system is infected than do a scan of your computer using any antivirus.
  5. Restart your computer after scanning than use it.


It is strongly recommended to not click on any links which you have received from mails or messages. Always remember that any reputable organization will never ask you to disclose your personal information over any email or messages. If sender is saying you to click on the link than it is doubtful and you should stay away from such text messages or email. Before taking any action you should check the details of the sender, their address and verify each detail properly.


  1. US9514961195221 – Your Package Cannot Be Delivered text, Is it a scam

Yes it is

  1. Should you click on the link they send in the message or email?

No, you should avoid it

  1. What should you do if you get such messages or emails?

Report it and delete

  1. What should you do if you have clicked on the link?

Contact the associated company and share the information of the incident.