US9514901185421-your package is stopped scam


  1. What is US9514961195221 – Your Package is stopped?
  2. Is this USPS delivery email real or fake?
  3. What should we do now?
  4. Check if your device is infected by malware.
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

Is US9514961195221 – Your package is stopped a scam or real? Should we trust it?

If you get any such text or email which states that The US9514901185421 your package is stopped is a kind of scam which is considered as phishing attack. They target people through emails, text messages and say that there is a package waiting for them at USPS. This link has a tracking number and a link to track the package which is arriving. If someone clicks the link they are redirected to a page where they are prompted to enter credit card details, bank account details, name, address and personal information.

What is US9514901185421 – your package is stopped email?

Scams have become frequent these days scammers are discovering new ways to scam people by any means. Basically it is also a type of scam that’s called phishing attack which targets people via emails, text messages and even calls also. But here this scam is specific for emails and text messages. They target such users who do online shopping through amazon and any other online marketplace.

So here scammers get an opportunity to fraud people by showing some details like fake invoice, address etc. to make their email credible. If someone clicks on the link shared by the scammer in the email they are trapped here. This link redirects the page to a website specially designed by scammers who look alike the USPS website. There they are prompted to share their information like credit card details, name, and address and bank details.

This fake website is designed to deceive personal information and money from people. This information is used to make purchases without the permission of the person to whom it belongs. It is also used to commit identity theft. Personal information of anyone may be misused in many ways.

What should we do to protect ourselves from such scam?

  • At first avoid clicking on any link you get in emails or text messages.
  • Don’t share your personal information anywhere.
  • Don’t use 3rd party websites for shopping they may leak your credentials.
  • Report and delete such emails or text messages.
  • Use an ad blocker in your browser which blocks ad along with unusual links.

How to know if the USPS delivery email is real or fake?

Your package is stopped scam email is a scam. Scammer’s tries to trap people by let them click on the link they have sent through email. In order to make this scam more trustworthy these scammers use official logos, fake invoices and banners used for promotion.

Few signs are shared here which will help you to identify the scammers email, it may seem that it is coming from a genuine company but it is not. They also use the company logo in the header to make it appear genuine.

  1. Email address of the sender is not linked with a legit domain name.
  2. A common name is used in place of customer’s name. E.g. Dear, account holder, customer
  3. Reputable organizations won’t ask you to disclose personal information but they ask you to click on the given link to solve the issue.
  4. They give a time limit to create urgency in your mind so that you will not even think about it before sharing your information.
  5. Check the writing style, is it formal way of writing, also check spelling errors and grammar, these are basic signs to identify scam emails.
  6. If you receives the same email many times than it is also doubtful.

What should you do if you have clicked on the link?

Report and delete the message. Talk to the delivery company whose name was used by the scammers. If you suspect your computer has been infected by malware, use any antivirus to detect it. Get your credit card blocked if you have shared your credit card details. Complain to the related authority regarding the scam.

It is recommended to ignore the message of this email whenever you get anything like this The US9514901185421-your package is stopped.


As we have discussed earlier, we know almost everything about the nature of such emails and text messages, we know how rapidly technology is changing now, but with increasing technology its disadvantages are also increasing. So now it has become our responsibility to stay aware while using digital money like credit cards, online payments etc. Every day scammers are searching for modern ways to scam people. So if you see anything which is giving huge discounts don’t click on that it is made to lure you. It is said that something is too Good to believe, it is. So don’t fall in trap of scammers and if you have been trapped reluctantly than follow the steps mentioned above in the article.


1. What is US9514901185421-your package is stopped?

Ans. It is a scam comes under phishing.

2. Should you click on the link shared by scammer in your email?

Ans. Never, you should avoid that in any case.

3. What should we do if we have been scammed?

Ans. Contact the associated authority of your city soon.

4. What to do if you have clicked on the link?

Ans. No need to worry if you haven’t shared your personal information.

5. What to do if you get such scam messages or email?

Ans. Block and report the email, messages.