Microsoft adds new hidden features in the latest Window 10 installer build

Microsoft added new features with the latest 10 insider build. These features add long-awaited media control to the volume flyout and a new settings page that shows “What’s New”.

The media controls support Windows 10 music streaming applications such as Groove and Spootify and allow users to control the program directly from the flyout.

This feature can be enabled with mach2 using the commands:

mach2 enable 23403403

mach2 enable 23674478

WARNING: As previously stated, it is strongly advised that you do not enable this is on a production computer and only test in a virtual machine.

The “What’s New” feature will list all the new features added to Microsoft with detailed instructions on how to use them.

This feature can be enabled with mach2 using the commands:

mach2 enable 20446796

WARNING: As previously stated, it is strongly advised that you do not enable this is on a production computer and only test in a virtual machine.

As you see, for these features to enable, it requires using the tools like Mach2 or ViVe that are still in developing stage. Also, these tools can bring performance issues on the Window. This is the reason, it is suggested you only enable them in a virtual machine w here you have a saved shapshot or you can restore to if something goes wrong.

As the Microsoft developers are currently working on these features, these are hidden from being used from the users and are only enabled for the developers for the testing if they require them.