What is Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam & How It Works

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam Overview

After the Grand Theft Auto VI trailer was released on December 5th, 2023, scammers quickly jumped in to take advantage of excited fans. They created fake “giveaways” pretending to be associated with Rockstar, the game’s developer. These scams look real, using official Rockstar and GTA logos, but their intentions are malicious.

Here’s how the scam works: Scammers promise huge cryptocurrency prizes, claiming participants can win up to $100 million in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Dogecoin. To receive these fake rewards, victims are tricked into transferring their own cryptocurrency to wallets controlled by the scammers. The scammers make victims believe that these transactions are necessary to “activate” the promised giveaway payouts.

In reality, the scammers have no intention of giving any rewards. The entire giveaway, including prize amounts and doubled returns, is a trick to steal people’s cryptocurrency. The scammers use the excitement around the upcoming GTA VI game to lure unsuspecting fans, mimicking Rockstar’s branding and even referencing official events like the new trailer premiere to seem legitimate.

However, it’s crucial for fans and investors to be extremely cautious. These scams hide behind the Rockstar name, creating an illusion of legitimacy. To protect your financial stability, it’s essential to quickly identify and avoid such scams. Never trust schemes that ask you to transfer your assets, especially if they promise extravagant rewards.

Warning Signs of GTA VI Crypto Scam

The fake GTA VI crypto giveaways share some common traits that can help you recognize them and avoid falling victim to scams:

  1. Unauthorized Use of Trademarks: Scammers use Rockstar Games’ trademarks without permission to make their schemes look official.
  2. Unrealistic Rewards: They promise rewards that are too good to be true, like doubling your deposits or offering disproportionately high cryptocurrency prizes.
  3. Urgency: Scammers create a sense of urgency, claiming the offer is “time-limited” to pressure people into making quick decisions.
  4. Poor Communication: Look out for poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and stylistic issues in their communications, as these can indicate fraudulent activity.
  5. Inconsistent Information: Scammers often use inconsistent domain names and provide fake website credentials to confuse victims.
  6. No Reputable Associations: Legitimate promotions have associations with reputable crypto wallets or exchanges, but scams lack these connections.
  7. Lack of Social Media Verification: Scams usually don’t have verified social media accounts or proper customer service channels.

These scams thrive by exploiting the popularity of GTA VI. They use Rockstar’s brand without having any real ties to the company. By avoiding association with regulated financial entities, scammers operate outside legal boundaries.

How the GTA VI Crypto Scams Operates

Scammers use various tricks in their GTA VI crypto cons, and understanding their tactics can help investors spot signs of fraud before getting involved.

  1. Luring Victims: Scammers drive web traffic to fake portal sites using email spam, manipulating search engines, social media impersonation, pop-up ads, and injecting malware into users’ devices.
  2. Spam Campaigns: Millions receive spam emails with tempting subject lines like “Claim your GTA VI rewards now!” Clicking on embedded links redirects users to scam landing pages.
  3. Fake Prizes: The portal sites show flashy graphics promising huge cryptocurrency prizes, asking users to “connect your wallet” or share their details. If users comply, scammers gain access to their accounts.
  4. Malware Threats: Some portals trick visitors into downloading files promising more rewards. These files contain keylogging malware, capturing everything typed into infected devices.
  5. Illusions of Progress: Scammers use fake “progress trackers” updating balances with false transfers from Rockstar Games or non-existent prize pools. Browser extensions show fake crypto transfers to reinforce the idea of impending rewards.
  6. Asset Extraction: Once scammers gain account access, they use smoke and mirror tactics to keep victims engaged until funds are extracted. Victims believe they are receiving rewards, but no actual asset movement occurs.
  7. Ransom Demands: Scammers may display ransomware messages demanding payment to unlock access. However, meeting demands usually doesn’t salvage much, as significant financial damage has already occurred.
  8. Dismantling Evidence: After accumulating assets, scammers quickly dismantle their infrastructure to erase traces of illegitimate activity. They take fraudulent domains offline, uninstall keylogging malware, and remove identifiers from transactions.
  9. Vanishing Act: Within days, the entire scam operation disappears, leaving victims with empty wallets and authorities with unanswered questions. The scammers rebuild their infrastructure around the next viral event to continue their predatory cycle.

Identifying GTA VI Crypto Scam Websites

To protect yourself from sophisticated scam websites promoting GTA VI cryptocurrency giveaways, watch out for these common red flags:

Scammers often use domains with random characters or typos of the real brand, like “Roackstargames.” They might also use top-level domains like .net instead of .com to mimic legitimate sites. For example, “rockstargames.net” could be mistaken for the real “rockstargames.com.” Carefully check website domains for legitimacy.

If the website promises disproportionate incentives like “Send 1 BTC to receive 200 BTC free,” it’s likely a scam. Legitimate companies don’t give away assets at such irrational rates. If the giveaways sound too good to be true, it’s probably a con.

Look out for poor grammar, spelling mistakes, stylistic issues, and low-quality images on the website. Genuine brands like Rockstar ensure their content and images are polished. Amateur mistakes reveal insufficient effort to convincingly sell scams. Always double-check finer details.

Spotting GTA VI Crypto Scams on Social Media

GTA VI cybercriminals are using social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to promote fake giveaways, and being cautious on these networks can protect investors from potential scams.

Spotting Scams on Instagram:

Scam accounts on Instagram mimic Rockstar’s verified @rockstargames profile. Look for usernames like “@rockstar_game” or “@rockstargamesgta,” but always check for the blue checkmark indicating a verified account. Compare follower counts; fake accounts usually have significantly fewer followers than the real Rockstar account, which has 61 million. Scam accounts often have limited posting history, focusing only on giveaway promotions, unlike Rockstar’s diverse and high-quality posts.

Spotting Scams on Facebook:

Fraudulent Facebook crypto promoters imitate official page names but lack verification badges. Watch for imposter profiles like “Rockstar Games” without the blue checkmark. Investigate the About and Contact info sections; scam pages might have nonsensical locations or email addresses from free providers. Be cautious of sponsored posts promoting prize pools or crypto giveaways, especially if the advertiser seems suspicious.

Spotting Scams on TikTok:

Deceptive tactics on TikTok include impersonator accounts using edited logos and stolen game footage. Video captions create urgency around fake crypto contests, while bot-filled comments amplify legitimacy claims. Check for the verified @rockstargames profile and red flags like low view counts on scam uploads, indicating limited authentic community interaction.

When in Doubt, Verify:

Always check for blue checkmarks or verification badges on social media accounts to confirm if they’re official. Before sharing any personal information, use the tools provided by social networks to verify a brand’s presence. Stay alert to protect against gaming scams and broader risks like identity theft and cyber fraud.

Things to do if fallen victim to the Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam:

If you have been deceived by the Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam, it is crucial to promptly safeguard yourself and your finances. Follow these steps to mitigate the impact of the scam and protect your assets:

  1. Notify the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about the scam by visiting their website at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/. Additionally, consider lodging a complaint with your state attorney general’s office or local consumer protection agency to ensure appropriate action is taken against the scammers.
  2. File a report about the scam with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) through their website at https://www.ic3.gov/. The IC3 is a collaborative effort between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center, dedicated to collecting and assessing complaints related to online fraud.
  3. Submit a report to Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok and mark the ads as misleading or deceptive.
  4. Reach out to your bank or credit card company without delay and inform them about the fraudulent transaction. Request the cancellation of your card and the issuance of a new one. Explore the possibility of disputing the charge to secure a potential refund.
  5. Immediately update your passwords and PINs for all your online accounts, particularly if you have used the same credentials on the fraudulent website. This ensures added security and minimizes the risk of unauthorized access.
  6. Regularly keep an eye on your credit reports and bank statements to detect any signs of suspicious transactions or unauthorized charges.
  7. If you have concerns about malware infecting your device, conduct a scan using the SpyHunter 5 Anti-Malware software for potential threats.

Threat Summary

Name: Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam
Category: Scam

Features: Aims to deceive users into providing their personal and sensitive information like credit card details, address, phone number, and social security number.

Danger Level: Medium
Damage: Victims may have severe consequences, such as identity theft, fraud, and other malicious activities.

Symptoms: The unwanted application can cause several adverse effects, such as displaying intrusive pop-up ads and slowing down internet browsing. The threat can manipulate the settings of an internet browser. This manipulation forces users to visit the hijacker’s website and conduct internet searches using their search engine.

Distribution: Browser hijackers or adware such as Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can spread through deceptive pop-up ads, free software installers that are bundled with malware, and fake Flash Player installers.

Removal: To remove the threat, scan your system with powerful SpyHunter anti-malware software

What harms Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can cause?


Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam is a type of malicious software that can take control of your web browser and modify its settings without your consent. Such apps are typically designed to redirect your web traffic to other sites, display unwanted advertisements, and collect your personal information. Browser hijackers can be very harmful, and can cause a wide range of problems for your computer and your privacy. Below, we will discuss some of the harms that Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can cause.

  1. Modify Your Browser Settings: It can modify your browser settings, such as your homepage, default search engine, and new tab page. This can be very frustrating, as it can take a long time to reset these settings back to their original state.
  2. Display Annoying Ads: This hijacking app often displays unwanted ads, pop-ups, and banners on your screen. These ads can be very annoying, and can even lead to more harmful content if you click on them. In some cases, the ads may even be used to trick you into downloading more malware.
  3. Redirect Your Web Traffic: It can redirect your web traffic to other sites, even if you didn’t intend to visit those sites. This can be very dangerous, as the sites you are redirected to may contain harmful content, such as malware, phishing scams, or other types of scams.
  4. Slow Down Your Computer: One of the most obvious harms of hijackers or adware like Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam is that they can slow down your computer. This is because they are constantly running in the background, using up valuable system resources. This can cause your device to become sluggish, unresponsive, and even crash.
  5. Cause Browser Crashes: Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can also cause your browser to crash or freeze. This can be very frustrating, as it can cause you to lose any work you were doing, or even cause you to lose important data if you haven’t saved your work.
  6. Decrease Your Online Privacy: This undesired software piece can decrease your online privacy by tracking your browsing habits, collecting your personal information, and displaying unwanted ads. This can be very harmful, as it can expose you to identity theft, fraud, and other types of cybercrime.

In short, Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can cause a wide range of harms to your device and your privacy. Therefore, it is important to take steps to protect your computer from this hijacking application, such as using antivirus software, keeping your browser and operating system up to date.

Is Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam a dangerous virus?

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam is a type of malware that can cause a lot of unkind issues inside the compromised systems. While many don’t consider it as a destructive virus in the sense that it is not intended to damage the device, it can be a nuisance and potentially compromise the user’s online security. Additionally, it may indirectly expose their system to more dangerous form of viruses and malware.

Browser hijackers or adware can make your computer more vulnerable to other types of attacks. This is because they often disable your antivirus software, firewall, and other security measures that are designed to protect your system from malware and other types of attacks.

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can also be used to install other types of malware on your computer, such as adware, spyware, and even ransomware. These types of malware can cause even more harm, such as stealing your files, encrypting them, and demanding a ransom to unlock them.

In addition to that, such browser-based infections are often designed to collect users’ personal data, such as their browsing history, search queries, and even their login credentials. This information can be used for identity theft, fraud, and other malicious activities.

For these reasons, Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can still be considered a dangerous computer virus, and must be eliminated from the system as early as possible.

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can steal your personal information. How?

Although Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam is classified to be a rogue browser hijacker that causes frequent redirects to malicious websites or may promote dubious advert pop ups, and even more, still its overall impacts includes more chaos. In such a list, includes data tracking ability as well. Actually, the malware promotes a number of phishing or scam pages that may load some forms asking for data feeding. If a user feed their personal details considering those to be legitimate, they can expect those information to be stolen. In some instances, malicious sites promoted by Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam may even install a robust key logger code on your device, which will track all your inputs and details too.

The collection of information is usually stored within logs placed under Windows installation directories. Such directories also get super hidden attributes and can’t be seen or accessible to users easily. However, the criminals can manage access to those through unauthorized access, and misuse the collected information for their illicit sake. The stolen information may include your social login credentials, banking credentials, IP addresses, browsing history, browsing pattern, and even more. All this sums up that Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam like traits can steal your personal details, and is really a serious chaos to targeted users.

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam Redirection Leads to Unsafe Sites

The redirection chain triggered by Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam may force the browser to send the user to a variety of different webpages. Nonetheless, it’s pertinent to note that most of the websites it sends people to are malicious and even dangerous and may pose a serious threat to the device and the browser. This undesired software piece may take users to following sites:

Tech Support Scam Sites

Many people are falling victim to tech support scam websites that have become increasingly widespread. These sites often imitate the appearance of legitimate operating system error messages, making it difficult for individuals to discern whether the message is genuine or a scam. As a result, users are easily fooled into giving scammers access to their personal information or paying for unnecessary and expensive services.

Unsafe Dating Website

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam pop-ups may lead you to dubious dating sites that are entirely controlled by robots. Such websites often display deceptive notifications and pop-ups that mislead users into believing that they have multiple chat requests or messages waiting for them. These false alerts may be designed to look convincing and may even use persuasive language to create a sense of urgency, tricking users into clicking on them. In reality, these notifications are usually a tactic employed by scammers to lure individuals into interacting with their fraudulent websites or downloading malicious software.

Websites Showing Fake Virus Alert:

These sites tend to display fake security alerts claiming that users’ PCs are infected with several viruses. They are designed to trick visitors into believing that they are in trouble of having their computers infected and to compel them into taking immediate actions. Scammers behind these deceptions aim to mislead users into downloading and installing malicious software or extracting money from them for useless services.

Drive-by Download Malware Sites

Users may also be taken to drive-by download websites, which is a type of cyberattack in which malware is automatically downloaded to a computer without the user’s knowledge or consent. Drive-by downloads are a serious security threat, as they can result in the installation of viruses, spyware, or other types of malicious software, which can compromise the security and privacy of your computer and personal data.

Fake Giveaway Survey Websites

These dubious sites tend to promote bogus surveys aiming to trick users into stealing their personal information such as their credit card details, banking credentials, etc. This sort of information could later be used for various malicious purposes and may lead to a number of unpleasant issues.

Unsafe Pop-Ups Causes Online Scam

Unsafe pop-ups are a common method used by online scammers to deceive unsuspecting internet users. These pop-ups can appear on users’ browser when their system is contaminated with an unwanted application; they visit a website or click on a link, and often try to convince them to take some action, such as downloading a program or providing personal information.

Once users interact with the pop-up, they can be redirected to a fraudulent website that looks legitimate, but is actually designed to steal their sensitive data or money. For example, a Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam pop-up might claim that users’ device is infected with a virus and prompt them to download software that is actually malware.

Other pop-ups might offer a prize or gift in exchange for the user’s personal information, such as their name, address, and credit card number. Once the scammers have this information, they can employ it to make unauthorized purchases or commit identity theft. This can lead to serious privcay issues, identity fraud, high-risk system infections, and even significant monetary losses.

How did Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam Attack my device?

Browser-based parasites like Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can infect PC systems through a number of deceptive ways. Below are some key points on how these types of malware can sneak into the targeted devices:

  1. Bundled Software: Adware and browser hijackers are often bundled with legitimate software that users download from the internet. This could be a free utility or game that is made available for download from a website. The site may offer the program for free, but it will be bundled with additional software that the user may not be aware of. When the user download and installs the program, the bundled software will also be installed on their system without their knowledge or consent. This bundled software may include a browser hijacker or adware that will modify the user’s web browser settings.
  2. Malicious Websites: Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can also spread through malicious websites. These sites are designed to trick users into downloading and installing software or visiting other harmful web places. People visit a malicious website often by clicking on a link in a spam email, a social post, or a search engine result. The site contains code that automatically downloads and installs the undesired software piece onto the users’ computer without their knowledge or approval.
  3. Exploits: Other way through which PUPs like Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can enter the computer systems is exploits. Exploits are vulnerabilities in software that can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or to install malware or adware. Threat actors find a vulnerability in the user’s web browser, operating system, or a plugin, such as Java or Flash. After that, they create a website that contains code that exploits the vulnerability when the user visits the site. The exploit downloads and installs the parasite onto the PC without users’ awareness or consent.
  4. Social Engineering: Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can make its way into the device through social engineering as well, which is a technique used by hackers to trick users into downloading and installing malware. These internet criminals create a fake advertisement or pop-up message that claims the user needs to update their software or install a new plugin to view content on a website. The pop-up message may contain a convincing message, such as “Your Flash Player is out of date, please click here to update it” or “Your computer is infected, click here to remove the virus.” When users click on the pop-up message, they end up downloading and installing the unwanted program without realizing it.

Special Offer (For Windows)

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can be creepy computer infection that may regain its presence again and again as it keeps its files hidden on computers. To accomplish a hassle free removal of this malware, we suggest you take a try with a powerful Spyhunter antimalware scanner to check if the program can help you getting rid of this virus.

Do make sure to read SpyHunter’s EULA and Privacy Policy. Spyhunter free scanner downloaded just scans and detect present threats from computers and can remove them as well once, however it requires you to wait for next 48 hours. If you intend to remove detected threats instantly, then you will have to buy its licenses version that will activate the software fully.

Special Offer (For Macintosh) If you are a Mac user and Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam has affected it, then you can download free antimalware scanner for Mac here to check if the program works for you. 

Antimalware Details And User Guide

Click Here For Windows Click Here For Mac

Important Note: This malware asks you to enable the web browser notifications. So, before you go the manual removal process, execute these steps.

Google Chrome (PC)

  • Go to right upper corner of the screen and click on three dots to open the Menu button
  • Select “Settings”. Scroll the mouse downward to choose “Advanced” option
  • Go to “Privacy and Security” section by scrolling downward and then select “Content settings” and then “Notification” option
  • Find each suspicious URLs and click on three dots on the right side and choose “Block” or “Remove” option

Google Chrome (Android)

  • Go to right upper corner of the screen and click on three dots to open the menu button and then click on “Settings”
  • Scroll down further to click on “site settings” and then press on “notifications” option
  • In the newly opened window, choose each suspicious URLs one by one
  • In the permission section, select “notification” and “Off” the toggle button

Mozilla Firefox

  • On the right corner of the screen, you will notice three dots which is the “Menu” button
  • Select “Options” and choose “Privacy and Security” in the toolbar present in the left side of the screen
  • Slowly scroll down and go to “Permission” section then choose “Settings” option next to “Notifications”
  • In the newly opened window, select all the suspicious URLs. Click on the drop-down menu and select “Block”

Internet Explorer

  • In the Internet Explorer window, select the Gear button present on the right corner
  • Choose “Internet Options”
  • Select “Privacy” tab and then “Settings” under the “Pop-up Blocker” section
  • Select all the suspicious URLs one by one and click on the “Remove” option

Microsoft Edge

  • Open the Microsoft Edge and click on the three dots on the right corner of the screen to open the menu
  • Scroll down and select “Settings”
  • Scroll down further to choose “view advanced settings”
  • In the “Website Permission” option, click on “Manage” option
  • Click on switch under every suspicious URL

Safari (Mac):

  • On the upper right side corner, click on “Safari” and then select “Preferences”
  • Go to “website” tab and then choose “Notification” section on the left pane
  • Search for the suspicious URLs and choose “Deny” option for each one of them

Manual Steps to Remove Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam:

Remove the related items of Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam using Control-Panel

Windows 7 Users

Click “Start” (the windows logo at the bottom left corner of the desktop screen), select “Control Panel”. Locate the “Programs” and then followed by clicking on “Uninstall Program”

Windows XP Users

Click “Start” and then choose “Settings” and then click “Control Panel”. Search and click on “Add or Remove Program’ option

Windows 10 and 8 Users:

Go to the lower left corner of the screen and right-click. In the “Quick Access” menu, choose “Control Panel”. In the newly opened window, choose “Program and Features”

Mac OSX Users

Click on “Finder” option. Choose “Application” in the newly opened screen. In the “Application” folder, drag the app to “Trash”. Right click on the Trash icon and then click on “Empty Trash”.

In the uninstall programs window, search for the PUAs. Choose all the unwanted and suspicious entries and click on “Uninstall” or “Remove”.

After you uninstall all the potentially unwanted program causing Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam issues, scan your computer with an anti-malware tool for any remaining PUPs and PUAs or possible malware infection. To scan the PC, use the recommended the anti-malware tool.

Special Offer (For Windows)

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can be creepy computer infection that may regain its presence again and again as it keeps its files hidden on computers. To accomplish a hassle free removal of this malware, we suggest you take a try with a powerful Spyhunter antimalware scanner to check if the program can help you getting rid of this virus.

Do make sure to read SpyHunter’s EULA and Privacy Policy. Spyhunter free scanner downloaded just scans and detect present threats from computers and can remove them as well once, however it requires you to wait for next 48 hours. If you intend to remove detected threats instantly, then you will have to buy its licenses version that will activate the software fully.

Special Offer (For Macintosh) If you are a Mac user and Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam has affected it, then you can download free antimalware scanner for Mac here to check if the program works for you. 

How to Remove Adware (Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam) from Internet Browsers

Delete malicious add-ons and extensions from IE

Click on the gear icon at the top right corner of Internet Explorer. Select “Manage Add-ons”. Search for any recently installed plug-ins or add-ons and click on “Remove”.

Additional Option

If you still face issues related to Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam removal, you can reset the Internet Explorer to its default setting.

Windows XP users: Press on “Start” and click “Run”. In the newly opened window, type “inetcpl.cpl” and click on the “Advanced” tab and then press on “Reset”.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 Users: Press the Windows logo, type inetcpl.cpl in the start search box and press enter.  In the newly opened window, click on the “Advanced Tab” followed by “Reset” button.

For Windows 8 Users: Open IE and click on the “gear” icon. Choose “Internet Options”

Select the “Advanced” tab in the newly opened window

Press on “Reset” option

You have to press on the “Reset” button again to confirm that you really want to reset the IE

Remove Doubtful and Harmful Extension from Google Chrome

Go to menu of Google Chrome by pressing on three vertical dots and select on “More tools” and then “Extensions”. You can search for all the recently installed add-ons and remove all of them.

Optional Method

If the problems related to Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam still persists or you face any issue in removing, then it is advised that your reset the Google Chrome browse settings. Go to three dotted points at the top right corner and choose “Settings”. Scroll down bottom and click on “Advanced”.

At the bottom, notice the “Reset” option and click on it.

In the next opened window, confirm that you want to reset the Google Chrome settings by click on the “Reset” button.

Remove Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam plugins (including all other doubtful plug-ins) from Firefox Mozilla

Open the Firefox menu and select “Add-ons”. Click “Extensions”.  Select all the recently installed browser plug-ins.

Optional Method

If you face problems in Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam removal then you have the option to rese the settings of Mozilla Firefox.

Open the browser (Mozilla Firefox) and click on the “menu” and then click on “Help”.

Choose “Troubleshooting Information”

In the newly opened pop-up window, click “Refresh Firefox” button

The next step is to confirm that really want to reset the Mozilla Firefox settings to its default by clicking on “Refresh Firefox” button.

Remove Malicious Extension from Safari

Open the Safari and go to its “Menu” and select “Preferences”.

Click on the “Extension” and select all the recently installed “Extensions” and then click on “Uninstall”.

Optional Method

Open the “Safari” and go menu. In the drop-down menu, choose “Clear History and Website Data”.

In the newly opened window, select “All History” and then press on “Clear History” option.

Delete Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam (malicious add-ons) from Microsoft Edge

Open Microsoft Edge and go to three horizontal dot icons at the top right corner of the browser. Select all the recently installed extensions and right click on the mouse to “uninstall”

Optional Method

Open the browser (Microsoft Edge) and select “Settings”

Next steps is to click on “Choose what to clear” button

Click on “show more” and then select everything and then press on “Clear” button.

How to prevent Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam infection?

As soon as Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam infiltrates the PC system, it starts carrying out malicious activities in the background and may lead to a number of unpleasant issues. To avoid getting infected with such browser-based pests, below are some steps you can take:

  • Download software from reputable sources: Only download software from reputable websites, such as the official page of the software vendor or well-known download portals. Avoid downloading software from third-party websites or peer-to-peer networks, as these are often sources of bundled adware.
  • Pay attention during the installation process: When installing software, pay attention to each step of the installation process. Look for the checkboxes that may indicate the installation of additional software, such as adware or browser extensions. Uncheck these boxes if you don’t want to install the additional software.
  • Choose custom installation: During the installation process, choose the custom installation option instead of the default or express installation. This will allow you to select which components to install and to opt-out of installing any bundled adware or other unwanted software.
  • Read the End User License Agreement (EULA): Read the EULA carefully before installing any software. Look for clauses that may allow the installation of additional software or adware like Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam. If EULA contains such clauses, reconsider installing the software.
  • Use a reputable web browser: Choose a reputable web browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, and keep it up-to-date with the latest security patches.
  • Install ad-blockers and pop-up blockers: You should use ad-blockers and pop-up blockers to prevent unwanted ads and pop-ups from appearing on your computer screen. Some web browsers have built-in ad-blocker and pop-up blockers, or you can install browser extensions that provide this functionality.
  • Be careful when clicking on links: Don’t click on links in emails or on websites unless you are sure they are legitimate. Check the URL and ensure it is spelled correctly and is the correct website. Be wary of shortened URLs or URLs that lead to suspicious or unknown websites.
  • Keep your web browser and operating system up-to-date: Regularly install software updates and security patches for your web browser and operating system. This will help to close any security vulnerabilities that adware, hijacker and other malware may exploit.
  • Use a reputable antivirus program: A good antivirus program can detect and block infections like Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam and other malware before they can infect your computer. Make sure you choose a reliable antivirus suite and keep it up-to-date with the latest virus definitions.

By following these steps, you can minimize the risk of potentially unwanted program intrusion and keep your PC system safe and secure.


To sum up, Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can cause significant problems for computer users, including unwanted browser redirects, changes to homepage and search engine settings, and even the installation of additional malware. These infections typically result from downloading and installing software from untrusted sources or clicking on suspicious links. To prevent browser hijackers or adware, it is important to be cautious when downloading and installing software, use reputable antivirus tool, and keep browsers and operating systems updated with the latest security patches.

Related FAQs about Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam

What are the Symptoms of Browser-hijacker (Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam)?

The common symptoms of Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam infection include changes to the default homepage and search engine, unwanted toolbars and extensions, pop-up ads, and redirects to unfamiliar websites. Additionally, the browser may slow down or crash frequently, and search results may be manipulated or irrelevant to the query.

What Should I do if my PC gets infected with virus like Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam?

If your computer is infected with this browser-based threat, you should immediately run a virus scan using reputable antivirus software. If the software detects the malware, you should follow the removal instructions provided by it to eliminate the infection and restore your browser settings to default.

How can I protect my password and other personal credentials from Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam?

To protect your password and other sensitive information from Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam, you should employ reputable antivirus suite, enable two-factor authentication on all accounts, and use strong and unique passwords for each account. Also, you should avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading software from untrusted sources.

Why I should trust your research conducted on Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam?

It’s important to mention that our research is conducted independently and with the assistance of unbiased security experts, who provide us with daily updates on the latest definitions and threats related to malware, adware, and browser hijackers. Moreover, our study on the Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam threat is supported by VirusTotal.

Special Offer (For Windows)

Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam can be creepy computer infection that may regain its presence again and again as it keeps its files hidden on computers. To accomplish a hassle free removal of this malware, we suggest you take a try with a powerful Spyhunter antimalware scanner to check if the program can help you getting rid of this virus.

Do make sure to read SpyHunter’s EULA and Privacy Policy. Spyhunter free scanner downloaded just scans and detect present threats from computers and can remove them as well once, however it requires you to wait for next 48 hours. If you intend to remove detected threats instantly, then you will have to buy its licenses version that will activate the software fully.

Special Offer (For Macintosh) If you are a Mac user and Rockstar Games GTA VI Crypto Giveaway Scam has affected it, then you can download free antimalware scanner for Mac here to check if the program works for you.