How to Remove pop-ups is a site that sends push notification spam. When visited, it tries to trick... is a site that sends push notification spam. When visited, it tries to trick... is a website you may keep seeing if your computer has a browser hijacker.... is a website you might frequently encounter if your computer has a browser hijacker... is a misleading website that often appears due to a browser hijacker on your... is a fake search engine that causes your browser to loop through useless pages...
Behavior:Win32/AMSI Patch is a malware that targets Windows apps through the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI),...
Behavior:Win32/WDBlockFirewallRule.P is a dangerous malware that changes Windows Defender firewall settings to secretly download harmful...
Behavior Win32 ExplorerInjectQueueAPC is a harmful malware that injects bad code into the Windows system...
Hkbsse.exe might be part of a real software or app, but it could also be...
Cerker.exe might be a real file linked to a legitimate program, but cybercriminals can create...